Adult Golf Lessons

$140/hour Member & $150/hour Guest, $70/half-hour Member & $75/half-hour Guest, for up to 2 adults, with a Class A Instructor

$110/hour Member & $120/hour Guest, $55/half-hour Member & $60/half-hour Guest, for up to 2 adults, with an Apprentice

Adult Lesson Packages

Package of 5 hours, $675 Member & $700 Guest, with a Class A Instructor

Package of 5 hours, $525 Member & $550 Guest, with an Apprentice

Adult Group Lessons

$50/person/hour, 3 or more people, with a Class A Instructor

$40/person/hour, 3 or more people, with an Apprentice

Adult 9 Hole Playing Lesson Rates

9 Hole playing lesson: on course management, shot selection, mental strategies, pre/post shot routine, shot scenarios and club selection; does not include Guest cart fee. Rates based on Instructor Rates shown above and the amount of time you are on the course.

Teen Golf Lessons

$95/hour, $50/half-hour for up to 2 kids, with a Class A Instructor

$75/hour, $40/half-hour for up to 2 kids, with an Apprentice

Additional Info

*Seasonal packages of more than 5 hours are available upon request from each instructor.

*All packages can be used for hour or half-hour increments, or in multiples of that for playing lessons, full-swing lessons   and/or short game lessons.

*All Lesson Packages must be used by the end of the Golf Season OR extension must be approved by your Instructor

*All payments must be made through the Golf Shop by Member Charge or Credit Card.

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