Kids Corner

Tampa Palms is committed to providing quality childcare in a safe, enjoyable environment. Your children will engage in meaningful activities centered around fun.

Wednesday | 5 PM: Science Night With Miss Nina in the Lady's Card Room located off of Elements


  • Children must be between the ages of 6 months and 10 years old.
  • Children, who show symptoms of illness, in the opinion of the Kid Zone Staff, will be refused service.
  • Parents must remain on club property, no exceptions (TAC, Clubhouse and Golf Course)


KIDS CLUB (Based on Social Distancing & Capacity)

  • Monday - Saturday | 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 
  • Tuesday - Thursday | 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM 
  • Friday** | 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Reservations required! 2-Hour limit applies - ratio still applies (Infants 6-23 months count for 5)
**Exception for Friday PM, no limits on hours**


The first 10 reservations for Kid's Zone are guaranteed a spot, walk-ins are accepted based on availability.

On Friday or Saturday nights only, we will not enforce the maximum 2-hour limit if you have a reservation.

We always schedule 1 Counselor for Kid’s Club Monday - Friday (except on Friday nights when we have 2 Counselors).


The ratio of staff to children will be as follows:

  • 6 months through 1 year of age, there must be 1 Staff Member per 4 children
  • 1 year but under 2 years of age, there must be 1 Staff Member per 6 children
  • 2 years but under 3 years of age, there must be 1 Staff Member per 10 children

In groups of mixed age ranges. Where children under 1 year of age are included, one Staff Member shall be responsible for no more than four (4) children of any age group at all times.

The staff will not accept any children once the maximum ratio has been met according to the number of children and staff. Priority will be given to Members with reservations.


Very Important Reminders

  • Stroller/walker is required for children between the ages of 6 - 12 months.
  • Our playground is developmentally appropriate for school-age children only.
  • Outdoor play is determined per child ratio.
  • Children 4 and under are not allowed in the playground area unless supervised by their parents.


Reservation System

  • Reservations can be made one week in advance and will be guaranteed when made up to 48 hours in advance. Please call 813.632.1676 for reservations.
  • Walk-ins and/or late reservations will be accepted as long as the staffing ratios are followed. Walk-ins may call the Kid's Club prior to arriving at the club to inquire if there are any openings.
  • Cancellations will be accepted up to the time of the reservation. There is no charge for canceling a reservation. 
  1. The child/staff ratio is 10 children per 1 staff member (2 and older).
  2. Children may spend a maximum of two (2) hours in the Kid's Zone, per day (Does not apply on Friday & Saturday nights).
  3. For your child’s safety, parents are required to sign their children in and out of the Kid's Zone. Parents must inform Kid's Zone staff if an adult other than the one who brought the child/children in will be picking them up. Proof of identification must be provided upon request.
  4. Parents must remain on the Club premises while their children are in the Kid's Zone.  If parents are leaving the Fitness & Aquatic Center building to play golf or dine at Elements, children must be toilet trained. No more than 9 holes of golf may be played while the child is at Kid's Zone. Failure to comply with this guideline will result in a loss of Kid's Zone privileges for a period of time determined by the Club Manager. A cell phone number is required if the adult member is playing golf. To ensure the safety of the child we request that the same person drop off and pick up the child within the visit unless otherwise noted with the childcare attendant.
  5. Food is not allowed in the Kid's Zone. Small snacks are acceptable if it is appropriate to eat in front of the other children (Playroom Staff will determine). All drinks must be contained in a spill-proof container. Please make sure your children are not attending the Kid's Zone during expected meal times.
  6. For your child’s convenience, the Kid's Zone offers a variety of children’s toys. Please make sure all items brought from home are of a non-violent nature and are clearly marked with the child’s name.
  7. The Kid's Zone staff is not responsible for any lost or damaged items.
  8. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the Kid's Zone staff of any pertinent medical information prior to checking in. The Kid's Zone staff reserves the right to refuse service to any children they feel would require undivided or special attention and, as a result, affect the quality of supervision the other children receive. Any member of the Kid's Zone staff will not dispense medication at any time.
  9. Shoes are required and must be worn by all children. 
  10. Kid's Zone Staff is not entitled to change children’s diapers. Changing tables are provided for Members use. Members will be contacted in a timely manner if a child needs assistance.
  11. Positive redirection and time out are the forms of discipline used in Kid's Zone. Parents may be asked to remove their child if the child is unable to accept the Kid's Zone Golden Rules. The Kid's Zone Golden Rules are good manners, inside voices, no horseplay, be nice to others, listen to the attendant, no running, keep hands to yourself. Kid's Zone is a “No Bully Zone” and all verbal or physical misbehavior towards others will not be tolerated.
  12. Sick Children: For the comfort of your child and the safety of the other children and staff, we request you do not bring a child displaying any of the following symptoms or illnesses: Fever, Sore Throat, Croup, Rashes, Constant/Consistent Cough and/or Runny Nose, Vomiting, Diarrhea or Infectious Illness. In some case, it may be necessary to have a doctor’s note for your child to return to Kid's Zone.
  13. Please inform the Kid's Zone attendant in writing of allergies your child may have when visiting the Kid's Zone.
  14. After a child has 3 written incident reports concerning behavior, the child will not be allowed to return to the Kid's Zone.
  15. All Kid's Zone participants must have a current Child Information Profile and Activity release completed and on file with Kid's Zone. Please make sure to update your child’s profile if there are any changes of address, phone number, doctor, etc.
  16. This onsite babysitting service is not intended to provide a teaching environment. The Kid's Zone Staff are not trained medical attendants or expected to handle special needs that a child may require. Kid's Zone reserves the right to decline access to any child who it believes it cannot reasonably provide babysitting services.