The applicant is applying for a non-transferable Play Away Membership, which provides a nonexclusive, revocable license to all authorized users under the Play Away Membership (includes the primary Play Away Member, his/her spouse or qualified and approved Spousal Designee, and all eligible unmarried dependents who reside in the Primary Member’s permanent residence and are either under 21 years of age or between 21 and 23 years of age and attending college on a full-time basis) to access certain facilities at the participating clubs in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the Play Away Terms & Conditions located at https://www.Invited.com/Clubs/Play-Away-Membership and available upon request. Benefits are administered by Associate Clubs International (“ACI”). ACI may redeem a Play Away Membership at any time for any reason, or for no reason at all, in ACI’s sole and absolute discretion by repaying to such Play Away Member the Initiation Fee (without interest or premium of any kind), if any, actually paid to ACI. Upon such payment, the Play Away Member’s Membership and all associated benefits will immediately cease, and the Play Away Member will automatically relinquish, release and discharge ACI, the participating clubs and all of their respective employees, agents, shareholders, members, managers, affiliates and assigns from any and all liability, injury, loss, damages or claims associated with the Play Away membership and/or the redemption thereof.

Play Away is a non-transferable membership program with non-refundable dues that must paid via a credit card or ACH authorization for recurring payments. Play Away Membership requires a $1,000 non-refundable Initiation Fee. In the event Play Away member resigns prior to the expiration of 12 months from the date of acceptance into membership, such Play Away member will immediately pay to ACI a $250 Cancellation Fee. Subject to the foregoing, Play Away Member may resign by giving 30 days advance written notice to ACI at ACI, Attn: Play Away, 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75234. Following resignation for any reason, reinstatement of membership within 12 months thereafter will require payment of a non-refundable $200.00 Reinstatement Fee as well as full payment of all dues that would have been charged during the resigned period had the membership not been resigned. A Reinstatement Fee is not required for memberships that have been resigned 12 months or longer.
Play Away Member acknowledges that the Rules and Regulations of each participating club, which are available upon request in advance of visiting the respective club or upon arrival, provide the details of such club’s policies governing dress code, conduct, guests and other obligations. Play Away Member agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the participating club he or she is visiting. Each participating club reserves the right to refuse access to any Play Away Member whom it deems to have violated or to be in violation of any of its Rules and Regulations or other codes of conduct. PLAY AWAY MEMBER HEREBY FULLY RELEASES AND DISCHARGES ACI, THE PARTICIPATING CLUBS, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SHAREHOLDERS, MEMBERS, MANAGERS, AFFILIATES AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY LIABILITY, PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS, THEFT, DAMAGE OR CLAIM ARISING FROM SUCH PLAY AWAY MEMBER’S USE OF PLAY AWAY BENEFITS OR FROM ACCESS TO A PARTICIPATING CLUB’S FACILITIES, INCLUDING ANY SUCH CLAIMS CAUSED BY THE RELEASED PARTY’S OWN NEGLIGENCE.

Membership dues are non-refundable, regardless of membership status or use of membership benefits. A late charge up to the maximum amount allowable by law or other penalties may be assessed for past due balances. In addition to late fees, penalties may include, but are not limited to suspension of privileges and/or expulsion from Play Away Membership. Play Away Member agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys’ fees, investigator fees and costs in the event his/her respective Membership account is turned over for collection.

Any controversy (other than collection cases brought by ACI for nonpayment of any amount due) arising out of or relating in any way to Play Away benefits, access to any club within the Invited network, or the Play Away Member’s membership will be settled by binding arbitration administered by an arbitrator selected by the American Arbitration Association (the “Arbitrator”) in accordance with its rules. In no event shall ACI or the participating club be liable for any incidental, indirect, speculative, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages of any kind. The parties agree to waive any right to trial by jury as well as any rights to appeal the final arbitration finding. Play Away Member cannot act as a class representative, a private attorney general or in any representative capacity, or participate as a member of a class with respect to claims that are subject to arbitration hereunder.

Play Away Member represents and agrees that none of the individuals listed on the Membership Application nor any other person entitled to access benefits under the Play Away Membership have ever been convicted of a sexual offense or required to register as a sexual offender.

Play Away Member agrees that the terms and conditions of membership may not be added to, amended or contradicted in any way by evidence of prior, contemporaneous or subsequent oral agreements of any kind, and acknowledges there are no unwritten oral agreements of any kind. Play Away Member hereby gives ACI express written permission to contact Play Away Member in accordance with the terms and conditions of ACI’s Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available at https://www.Invited.com/Clubs/Play-Away-Membership. Permission can be revoked in accordance with such Privacy Policy by contacting ACI in writing at 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75234.

Play Away is a non-transferable membership program that provides Play Away Members with the traveling benefits listed below on a space-available basis at participating clubs within the Invited network that are located outside of a one hundred (100) mile radius of the Play Away Member’s place(s) of residence and business. Benefits are administered by Associate Clubs International (“ACI”). Play Away Members will receive a Play Away membership card and must present their picture identification to gain access to participating clubs. All participating club privileges, benefits and fees are subject to change from time to time and may vary among participating clubs.

Play Away Members cannot currently be a member of a Invited network club or have been a member of a Invited network club within the prior twelve (12) months, or live or work within 100 miles of a Invited owned or operated club. Play Away Members do not hold memberships in any of the participating clubs by virtue of a Play Away Membership and are not eligible to participate in club member events, including, but not limited to, golf player associations, leagues, member tournaments or other special events. Play Away Members may take guests when using their Play Away benefits, subject to the participating club’s guest policies and any additional restrictions. Standard guest fees apply and vary by participating club. A person or entity cannot hold or otherwise be eligible for benefits under more than one Play Away Membership concurrently.

Proof of residency and business may be required. Play Away is a limited membership program currently available only in select markets and residency restrictions apply. Place(s) of residence and business are determined by ACI in its sole and absolute discretion. The intent of the Play Away Membership is to allow such members to participate in benefits while traveling away from any residence where a person may be staying for an extended period. To enforce this intent, ACI may, at its discretion, restrict the use of the Play Away benefits by Play Away Members in certain areas, including, but not limited to, areas where they may own or maintain vacation properties, second homes, rental properties or other properties that can be used as dwellings or areas where they may maintain a business presence.
A list of such participating clubs may be found here, are subject to change at any time without notice and may vary throughout the term of any Play Away Member’s membership.

Each Play Away Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Two (2) complimentary green fees per participating club market per month – Tee times may be made up to 21 days in advance for play between 12:00 p.m. Sunday and 12:00 p.m. Friday. All tee times are subject to availability. Carts are required and standard cart fees apply. After the initial two (2) rounds in a particular market, no further golf access is permitted in that market in the same month.
  • Access to dining at participating clubs in more than 40 cities nationwide – Reservations are required and subject to availability.
  • Access to golf clubs – Upon request, participating clubs will provide a set of golf clubs for use by Play Away Members at preferred rates, subject to availability.
  • Access to ClubLine concierge services – Play Away Members have the opportunity to purchase tickets to various theater, concerts and sporting events and to reserve additional pay-as-you-go dining access at participating business clubs, subject to availability.

Play Away Member agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the participating club, which are available upon request in advance of visiting the respective club or upon arrival, he or she is visiting. Each participating club reserves the right to refuse access to any Play Away Member who it deems to have violated or to be in violation of any of its Rules and Regulations or other codes of conduct. Play Away Memberships are nontransferable, and may not be offered, assigned or in any way transferred to any other person.

Tee times, dining reservations and reservations for all other services are subject to availability and must be made in advance through ClubLine to confirm availability and receive appropriate privileges. ClubLine can be reached at 1-800-433-5079 or clubline@clubcorp.com. Participating clubs reserve the right to limit or restrict tee times, dining reservations and other access from time to time, in their sole and absolute discretion, and reservations are not guaranteed.

Play Away Members are responsible for payment at the time of purchase or usage of any goods, services or expenses incurred at any participating club, including any applicable guest fees, services charges, taxes or other fees which may apply. Payment must be made by an authorized form of payment acceptable to the participating club. Play Away benefits are not available as part of any group bookings that require more than two tee times in a single day or seating for parties of eight or more.

All benefits are subject to the Terms & Conditions outlined herein, the Play Away Member’s Candidate Application Form, and the Play Away Membership Policies. These Terms & Conditions and the Membership Policies may be amended from time to time by ACI in its sole and absolute discretion without notice to Play Away Member. ACI reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to create additional benefits or to amend, modify, discontinue and/or otherwise terminate the existing benefits afforded to Play Away Members.